9 jul 2007
I did buy a dell windows vista laptop via internet after 3 weeks did new
computer arrive, and I got in the internet, the computer has an automatic link that takes you to validate windows vista, the computer did not pass the test was not recognized as a genuine windows vista software, after one hour of having the computer the card sound did not funtion anymore, the DVD-RW did not work, the wireless card did not work, the bluetoot did not work, I did spend two weeks working with technicall support 8 hours a day on the phone and with the computer so couldo not work or do anything also but tring to get start the computer. Costumer service and Technicall Support agree to change the computer for another one the same moderl INSPIRON 6400 even I did not agree, they were not cooperative at oll with me, and I have to do What ever they want it because they have my money. The second computer arrive one month and half later and when I tried to go on the internet the same story, the computer has an automatic link that takes you to validate windows vista, it did not pass the test, I contac Technicall support and THEY ANSWER WAS THEY COUL NOT HELP ME, BECAUSE IT WAS MICROSOFT RESPONSABILITY SO I CALL MICROSOT they were very helpfull they work 8 days 7 hours at day with me on the phone doing oll types of tests to make the computer work properly, the last test DIAGNOSIS WAS THAT THE COMPUTER HAS A FACTORY MAL FUNTION OPERATIVE SYSTEM THAT CAN NOT BE FIX IT. I did send the second computer back to USA because I am in South America and UP TO THIS MOMENT NO BODY FROM DELL HAS SEND ME AN APOLOGY OR A WORD LIKE I AM SORRY, NOTHING.....I AM AFRAID TO LOOSE MY MONEY BECAUSE THEY DO NOT KNOW WERE TO SEND IT TO ME. I PREPAID AND DEPOSIT TO A DELL INC ACCOUNT IN CITIBANK, BUT THEY DO NOT KNOW WERE TO SEND MY MONEY. I DID CONTACT MANY DIFERENT PEOPLE IN COSTUMER SERVICE IN USA, AND THEY ANSWER WAS SORRY THEY COULD NOT HELP ME BECAUSE I WAS NOT IN THE STATES. NOW I UNDRUSTAND WHY GOOGLES, YAHOO, AND MSN HAS MANY DIFERENT WEBPAGES ABOUTH THE BAD COSTUMER SERVICE AND THE NEGLIGENT THECNICALL SUPPORT. I HAD CRIED A LOT BECAUSE I HAVE A VERY AGRESSIVE CANCER AND I HAD 3 MONTH MORE IN THIS WORLD, THE COMPUTER WAS A BIRTHDAY PRESENT FROM MY CHURCH TO ME, AND I AM AFRAID I WILL NOT HAVE TIME TO GET MY MONEY BACK SO I CAN BUY ANOTHER COMPUTER IF YOU READ MY ARTICULE AND WANT TO GET BACK TO ME WRITE ME TO EMAIL: ana_marieh@hotmail.com
Publicado por
7/09/2007 11:40:00 p. m.
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